Friday Photo Essay: Christmas in Barcelona

It almost never snows in Barcelona proper, so a white Christmas is out of the running. That said, Barcelona has plenty of Christmas offerings for holiday junkies. Throughout the city, seasonal streetlight swags sparkle (the design varies by neighborhood), there’s la Fira de Santa Llucia, a large Christmas Market in front of the city’s cathedral, a temporary ice rink set up in Plaza Catalunya, and a nativity scene in front of Barcelona’s town hall. While Spanish holiday traditions include nativity scenes, and gifts doled out by the Three Kingson on Epiphany (January 6th), and Catalan customs have the Tió, a smiley -faced yule log “pooping presents for kids on Christmas Eve and The Noseman granting them wishes on New Year’s Eve, the fat man in red, and the Christmas tree he dumps gifts under are popping up in storefronts and homes throughout Barcelona.

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