Even among palm trees in Barcelona, winter means goosebumps, and a certain chill that seeps from the outside in, that only hot food, and hot drinks can really assuage. One of my favorite winter-weather staples are lentils. Stewed with red […]
I want to Go with Oh to Berlin
I have a confession to make: I want to Go With Oh to Berlin. Don’t anyone tell my husband, he might get jealous– Because, truth be told, I would Go With Oh anywhere. Because let’s face it, a free four-week […]
Tuesday Travel Tips: Carry-on Essentials for Long Haul Flights
Friday I’m flying home to the states. As per usual, unless I’m pleasantly surprised by an unlikely upgrade, that means an eight hour flight in the close quarters at the back of the bus in coach followed by a three […]
Monday Meal Ideas-A Make-Ahead Feast: Lasagna, Tiramisu and Salad, Oh My!
With winter holidays coming up, most of us are attending and/or hosting quite a few gatherings. So it seems like the perfect time for me to share the coveted family recipes for my favorite make ahead meal: Lasagna, baby green […]
The Library at Kremsmünster Abbey – Guest Post at The Worm Hole
Earlier this fall I spent some time on the Romantic Road in Upper Austria for a press trip. The scenery and the old buildings were gorgeous. And Austria was as it has been every time and every place I’ve visited: […]
Tuesday Travel Tips: Dress for Success (and Comfort) On Board Planes, Trains and Automobiles.
Short haul flights, train trips and voyages in car are manageable even in uncomfortable clothes. But when you’re talking about hours and hours in some form of transport, concessions to comfort must be made. High heels, leather, and anything skintight–these […]
Monday Meal Ideas: Thanksgiving Leftovers
Thanksgiving isn’t a Spanish holiday and past experience has taught me that my in-laws don’t really appreciate the traditional menu. And in the end, for me, a dinner of white-wine roasted chicken, spanish omelet, and tapas is delicious, but not […]
Friday Photo Essay: Vall de Nuria: An Outdoor Escape Near Barcelona
A short trip from Barcelona, Vall de Nuria is a picturesque destination for hiking in warmer weather, and for skiing during the colder winter months. Sweeping panaromas of dramatic mountain ranges, and a veritable petting zoo await visitors here, but […]
Tuesday Travel Tips – Carry-on Only Packing for Winter Escapes
Carry-on only packing can be tricky. Especially when you’re packing for a winter climate and flying a budget airline that strictly enforces the one bag policy–which means only one carry-on bag, and everything you’re carrying on, except your coat, must […]
Monday Meal Ideas – Poor Man’s Potatoes – A Lighter Spin on a Spanish Classic
Poor man’s potatoes, or patatas a lo pobre, are a Spanish classic. Traditionally, this dish comprised of potatoes, green peppers, and onions is fried in bubbling olive oil, but at my house, I like to prepare it in the oven. […]